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AB Natural Base SA CV
With more than 30 years of operation it distinguishes us.
As the only company that manufactures:
Natural Chicle Gum Bases
Considered in:
World confectionery market
The Best Chewing Gum Bases

Chicleros Jungles
Operation Places Peten Jungle Centroamerica Jungle Amazonia Jungle

Chicle Zapotillas Tree
Genus: Manilkara Family: Sapotaceae Sub-family: Sapotoideae Specie Types Achradelpha Mammosa, Achra Mammosa, Achras Zapota Achras Sapotilla, Calocarpum Mammosa, Lucuma Mammosa, Manilkasa Anchras, Manilkara Zapota, Pauteria Zapota.Manilkara Bidentada Manilkara Zapotilla , Anchras Balata.

Chicle gum base types
SF-010 SF-020 CN-030 CN-040 PW-060 SF-Pharma

Chicleros Jungles
Operation Places Peten Jungle Centroamerica Jungle Amazonia Jungle
Natural Chicle Gum Base
Using as main raw material the chicle tree sap.
Keeping process original of transformation developed by:
" Mayan Culture "
More than two thousand years ago.
Conjugate to the adaptation and implementation of
New technologies in our manufacturing facilities.
Allows us to offer:
Innovative, Biodegradable, Eco-Friendly & Healthy Products
Giving amazing benefits and features to all chewing gums.
Complying with:
Food International Quality Standards

AB Natural Base SA Mexico Ph: 52 55 5652 1839
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