Description of our process for transformation:
From chicle tree sap to natural gum bases
Process Transformation Chicle Tree Sap to Chicle Gum Bases With more than 30 years of operation, distinguish us as company unique, in the World for Manufacturing of Natural Gum base
Is collected during the rainy season, when the Sap-Latex flows better. At present approximately 5000 chicle collectors perform the work each season in Jungles of Petén and Amazonia. Consider that the activity of extraction sap-chicle, is a completely sustainable social and ecological, Obtaining a product 100 % Natural-Organic
General Flow Chart Quality Verification Standards Quality Internationals FDA 21 CFR 172.615 and Food Chemical Codex Specifications CODE FDA CHICLE SAP-TREE Doc No. 0223 Document Type: ASP Mainterm: CHICLE MANILKARA ZAPOTILLA GILLY & M. CHICLE GILLY Regnum: 172.615 CODE FDA CHICLE-SAP-TREE Doc No.0223 Chemical Name : Chicle Tree Sap ; CAS No: 802177-0 ; CB Number: CB4107
Process Transformation Chicle Tree Sap to Chicle Gum Bases With more than 30 years of operation, distinguish us as company unique, in the World for Manufacturing of Natural Gum base